In order to provide the most effective advice, we oversee each aspect of your financial life; from investments to insurance; from tax statements to estate documents.
In order to discern truth and shun fads, we rigorously research without pre-conceived biases. We plan with open minds, but skeptical instincts.
This process defines us. We execute it in a timely manner, with impeccable integrity, for a fair and transparent price.
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance; yonder palace was raised by single stones, yet you see its height and spaciousness. He that shall walk with vigor three hours a day will pass in seven years a space equal to the circumference of the globe.
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.
Gryphon was founded more than 20 years ago to solve a problem. Financial planning was fragmented, oriented towards simple services that added little value, such as stock-picking, and not on areas of true, customized differentiation, such as maximizing wealth after taxes and fees, estate planning, and saving for retirement. We have the forethought to craft the right approach, and the discipline to stick to it.
We receive no compensation except that paid to us by you for our advice. We don’t jealously hold our turf, but instead openly collaborate with your attorneys, accountants, and insurance advisors. Like the mythical gryphon, our charge is to guard a particular type of treasure; your well-being.
We created this commemorative book in 2019 to reflect on the journey that we’ve had as a firm and with our clients. This journey is captured through our annual holiday cards created by Gryphon founder Doug Close, graphic designer Debbie Diamond, and letterpress artist Julie Holcomb. The exquisite designs and inspirational messages often feature events of the year or represent our unwavering principles of patience and perseverance. This online version of the book gives you a little history of the building, our firm, and the world.